Wednesday, 16 April 2008

it's 7:45 am and a lovely day

New beginnings and a non-starter...

the last few days have been a mixture...

I'm discovering new levels to this motherhood thing all the time. One of the things that's quite hard is feeling like a black sheep (yet again) with some mums (not all) because of my rather alternative views on parenting. I also seem to be a bit over-researched on everything...other people don't seem to take the time to consciously choose what they are doing, just following tradition. This makes me sad :(

I'm feeling positive about my yoga teaching as have organised a new class starting 1st May in the mornings, not far from my house. The co-owners of the business seem very nice and are also up for me doing an evening class there soon, but suggest waiting to see how this one goes first. Typical me-style is to plunge ahead and do it all, then get overwhelmed! But learning to go slower these days :)

Unfortunately the pregnancy yoga training I had enrolled on, to start next month, has been cancelled due to low numbers. This I had kind of anticipated, but was disappointing nonetheless. I really was looking forward to starting pregnancy yoga classes. Now it'll have to wait another year.

Well that's all I have time for today. Little one is needing my attention. If only he were content in the sling while I'm sitting down...but no! He has been a real cutie-pie though lately (well, when is he not...)

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